Компанія Geberit Ceramic Production запрошує магістрів інженерних або суміжних дисциплін (вища технічна освіта) на закордонне стажування. Загальна тривалість 3 місяці + 4 роки.
3 місяці стажування проходитиме у Славуті, Хмельницька область, Україна. 4 роки в одній із наступних країн:
- Німеччина
- Швейцарія
- Австрія
- Фінляндія
Стажування оплачуване, пакет залежатиме від країни, де проходитиме стажування.
Для участі у стажуванні надсилайте лист із СV та мотиваційним листом на електронну пошту svitlana.balanchuk@geberit.com
In the Operations Development Program you will be introduced to the culture, philosophy, systems and processes in the Group’s best plants and logistic centers. You will have the opportunity at a very early stage to lead interesting strategic projects abroad. You can assume responsibility, have an impact from day one and grow with us – every single day.
- Positive attitude with strong result orientation and can do mentality
- Passionate, high dedication and full of energy. Ambitious but humble personality
- Can win others for own ideas and concepts with natural authority and personality
- Approaches people easily and can motivate them to be creative and take responsibility
- Loves to actively shape and take on comprehensive responsibility at an early stage
- Open to new ideas and willing to learn from others
- Master in Engineering or related discipline, higher technical education
- Knowledge of Project management, lean methods or ceramics
- Practical experience from internships (preferably with Geberit) or other professional activities
- Fluent English Language Skills (B2 level in written and oral English at a minimum), further language skills are an advantage
- Friendly deployment process for the workplace
- Competitive remuneration
- Work in a stable company with an established market position
- Long-term employment with employment contract
Slavuta / Ukraine
Svitlana Balanchuk
+38 067 657 48 37