Project Description

Вакансії опубліковані: 08.11.2023 р.

Назва вакансії: Trainee ML Engineer


Сфера діяльності компанії: IT, комп’ютери, інтернет

Вид зайнятості: Неповна зайнятість

Назва компанії / організації: Infopulse

Опис вакансії (вимоги, умови, режим роботи):
Infopulse is inviting a talented professional to join our growing team as a Trainee ML Engineer. You will work closely with our experienced ML team and have a chance to be a part of cutting-edge projects in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science.

You will get:

-Hands-on experience working on real AI projects with industry experts
-Exposure to cutting-edge ML technologies and tools
-Opportunity to collaborate in a dynamic and innovative work environment
-Mentorship from experienced ML professionals

Areas of Responsibility:

-Assist in designing and developing Machine Learning models and algorithms
-Collect and preprocess data for training ML models
-Collaborate with the ML team to improve model performance and accuracy
-Participate in code reviews and contribute to the overall improvement of ML pipelines
-Research and stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in the ML domain
-Contribute ideas and insights to solve real-world problems using ML techniques


-Solid understanding of programming languages such as Python
-Familiarity with libraries and frameworks like Pandas, TensorFlow, PyTorch, or scikit-learn
-Familiarity with REST API calls, SQL, JSON
-Familiarity with Jupiter Notebook
-Familiarity with data preprocessing techniques and feature engineering
-Passion for Machine Learning and a desire to expand knowledge in the field
-Excellent communication and teamwork skills

Відгукнись на вакансію